Distance from hotel Degenija
- Cheese factory Turkalj - is located in Rakovica, only 10 minutes drive from us. Buy fresh cottage cheese, basa cream cheese or some of the hard cheeses; cow cheese, smoked, or škripavac.
- Cheese factory Novković - near Slunj, only 10 km in the direction of Zagreb. 8 types of cheese, of which we emphasize hard mixed cheese of sheep's and cow's milk.
- Stilanova Lika Distillery - in the direction of Gospić and Lika, we recommend a visit to the Vlainić family distillery. Top quality plum brandy (šljivovica) and various liqueurs.
- Magdić Distillery Slunj (20 km from us) - local brandy & liquore store.
- Honey and honey inhalations Čubrić - only a few minutes drive from us you can buy a honey that is produced at Čubrić family estate. For the people with respiratory problems, we recommend honey inhalation. Reservation is necessary.